Friday, October 8, 2010

The Stuff of Life

Prana is the life force.  Prana is supplied through the lungs, through the process of breathing, and through the large intestine, as the result of well digested food.  Pranayama exercises are said to increase the prana in the body.

Agni means "fire" in Sanskrit.  Agni is the fire that drives the body's digestive and metabolic processes.  This is the fire that tranforms the foods one eats into nourishment the body can use.  This Agni Tea recipe is said to improve digestion; it is quite similiar to The Master Cleanse, a ten day liquid fast.  A key difference is that Ayurveda practioners do not recommend a fast longer than a day or two, because this can cause an imbalance in the agni.

Ojas is the end product that remains after the body has properly digested and assimilated food.  An increase in ojas is the "reward" for eating a fresh, healthful diet.

Ama is toxins that result from improperly digested food.

Malas are the waste products created by the body, such as sweat, urine, feces, and mucus.

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